As we celebrate the holiday’s season we do have to keep all these points in mind folks, no one wants to go away on vacation for a week or two and come back twice the size they were when they left! When people think of Christmas or holiday season, I estimate about 80% of people think about turkey or lamb. Because it’s a BBQ season.
To enjoy your holiday BBQ properly here are some expert pitmaster BBQ advise for you:
Mark Tojek Web:
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Prepare Your Seafood Correctly
Getting your seafood ready to put on the grill is important if you want it to cook well. How you prepare it will depend partly on what it is and partly on how you want to eat it. Sometimes there will be some essential things you need to do.
For example, if you buy live blue crabs, it’s best to put them in the freezer until they stop moving before putting them on the grill. Some fish might benefit from being brushed with a little oil, such as salmon or tuna. Other oysters will need less preparation on the grill, such as oysters, which you won’t need to shuck before grilling.
Protect Delicate Seafood
Some seafood is a little more delicate and could overcook or begin to fall apart if you’re not careful. One thing you can do to solve this issue is to wrap your seafood in something to protect it. Good materials to use include banana leaves, cornhusks, or just aluminum foil. It will help to hold delicate seafood together and can keep moisture in too.
Marinate for Extra Moisture
Marinating your seafood before you grill it can give it extra flavor and help to keep moisture in. If you don’t keep a close eye on your seafood, it could dry out, but marinating can help it to stay moist.
You can find lots of great marinade ideas for different types of seafood and you don’t have to marinate your seafood for long to impart the flavors. Much of the time, making your marinade half an hour or an hour before you want to grill is enough.
Grilling seafood might seem difficult, but it can be very easy. Just make sure you’re well prepared before you start grilling.
Melissa Cookston Web:
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Rest time after cooking is valuable for moisture and flavor in meats. Use this to your advantage! A cooler just large enough to contain your item will work well for holding your cooked Turkey or ham at a hot temperature for up to two hours.
If doing this, make sure to pull the turkey just as the breast reaches 160 degrees, and check it again after about 20 minutes to ensure it went above 165 degrees (for safe eating). Doing this will ensure a juicy bird as well as allowing you to free up your oven.
Pitmaster Harry Soo Web:
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The secret to preparing a spectacular BBQ meal for your family is to plan and cook ahead and reheat before serving. It’s a well-kept secret that meats such as brisket are fabulous for special occasions and you can cook, cool, slice, place in half foil pan, cover with foil, freeze, and reheat.
About 3 hours before your guests show up, pop the frozen half foil pan into the oven @ 325F for 2 1/2 hours. About 45 minutes before your guests show up, start your smoker; about 15 minutes before the doorbell rings, place some wood chunks into your pit, spray water on your face, dab BBQ sauce on your apron before you open the door.
Let your poker buddies know you slaved 14 hours for the brisket and to leave you a generous tip before they partake in the holiday food! Enjoy! May more recipes on my website.
John Dawson Web:
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1) Use a good digital thermometer.
2) Planning avoids anxiety.
3) BBQ is done when it’s done. Time is just a guideline.
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It’s all about temperature. Understand what the proper internal temp is for whatever you’re cooking, take it off your grill/smoker AT or BEFORE it hits that temp, let it rest for 10 minutes, and enjoy watching everyone salivate in happiness!
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