So you want to make some KFC at home for your family, well here's a recipe that isEasy to make, Easy to cook, Something the whole family will enjoy.This is the simplest fried ...
How to
How to Smoke Beef Ribs in a Smoker
Smoking beef back ribs are different from pork ribs in many ways. Do you have an idea of how to smoke beef ribs?In spite of the succulent taste of smoked beef ribs, still it is not as popular ...
How To Use A Digital Meat Thermometer
Using an internally installed meat thermometer on your grill or smoker takes a lot of guesswork especially when it comes to grilling and roasting your food. Even though there are plenty of ...
How To Smoke Turkey in Charcoal Smoker
If you're like most people you really don't care for turkey even with good smoke turkey recipes. To most people, turkey is so once a year affair on Thanksgiving to have roast turkey. Occasionally ...
How To Grill Beef Tenderloin On Weber Smokey Mountain
America's favorite holiday grilled dish is none other than beef tenderloin. After a long week of work, a lot of tending to spend the weekend having fun and appetizers on the way.But when it ...
How To Calibrate A Meat Thermometer
Cooking outside is great fun especially if your friends are invited. But cooking for large crowds means that you will need the help of your trusty little thermometer constantly to make sure that ...
How To Clean A Smoker
Electric smokers are one of the best ways to smoke your food if you enjoy eating grilled or smoked meat.But smoking food comes with its downsides, especially when it comes to cleaning. You ...
How To Use Electric Smoker Wood Chips
Electric smokers are very convenient when it comes to smoking your food. Unlike the traditional charcoal and wood smokers, the electric smoker does not require constant monitoring.Instead you ...